कम्प्यूटर क्या है ?(What is computer)
C commonly (कामनली) – समान्य
O operator (आपरेटर) – चलाने वाला
M machine (मशीन) – यंत्र
P particularly (पर्टिक्युलली) – विशेष रुप से
U used for (यूस्ड फार)। – उपयोग के
T technical (टैक्निकल) – तकनीक
E education and (एजुकेशन एण्ड) – शिक्षा और
R research (रिसर्च) – अनुसंधान
ABC = Atanasoff Berry Computer ( एटानासॉफ बेरी कंप्यूटर )
ABI = application binary interface (अनुप्रयोग बाइनरी इंटरफ़ेस )
ABR = Available Bit Rate ( उपलब्ध बिट दर )
AI = Artificial intelligent (कृत्रिम बुद्धिमान)
ALGOL = Algorithmic Language ( एल्गोरिथम भाषा )
ALU = arithmetic and logical unit (अंकगणित और तार्किक इकाई )
ANSI = American National standard institute (अमेरिकी राष्ट्रीय मानक संस्थान )
API = application programming interface (अनुप्रयोग प्रोग्रामिंग इंटरफ़ेस )
ARPA = advanced research project agency (उन्नत अनुसंधान परियोजना एजेंसी )
ASCII = American standard code for information interchange (सूचना इंटरचेंज के लिए अमेरिकी मानक कोड )
ASP = application service provider (आवेदन सेवा प्रदाता)
ATM = Asynchronous transfer mode ( एसिंक्रोनस ट्रांसफर मोड )
BASIC = beginners all purpose symbolic introduction code (शुरुआती सभी उद्देश्य प्रतीकात्मक परिचय कोड …)
BBC = bulletin board service (बुलेटिन बोर्ड सेवा )
BCD = binary code decimal (बाइनरी कोड दशमलव )
BCR = barcode reader
BD = Blue ray disc
BIN = binary
BINAC = binary automatic computer
BIOS = basic input output system
BIT = Binary digit
BPI = Bytes per second
BSNL = Bharat sanchar Nigam limited
CAD = computer aided design
CAF = computer aided engineering
CAM = computer aided manufacturing
CD = compact disc
CDAC = centre development of advanced computing
CDMA = code division multiple access
CD-R = compact disc recordable
CD-ROM = compact disc read only memory
CD-RW = compact disc read write
CD-RW = compact disc writeable
CGI = common gateway interface
CLI = computer line interface
CRL = Common language runtime
CMOS = complementary mental oxid semiconductor
COBOL = common business oriented language
CPS = character per second
CPU = control processing unit
CRT = cathode ray tube
CSS = cascading style sheet
CU = control unit
DB = database
DBA = database administrator
DBMS = database management system
DCL = digital command language
DVD- R = DVD recordable
DVD-ROM = DVD read only memory
DDR SDRAM = double data rate SDRAM
DFD = data flow diagram
DFS = Distributed file system
DHTM = Dynamic hyper text markup language
DMA = direct memory access
DNS = Domain name system
DOS = Disk operating system
DPI = Dots per seconddocument.write(‘
DRAM = Dynamic random access memory
DRDO = Defence Research and Development Organization
DSL = Digital Subscriber Line /Domain Specific Language
DSN = Database source Nam
DVD = Database Video Disc/ Digital Versatile Disc
DVD-RW = Digital Video Disc Rewriteable
DVR = Digital Video Recorder
E Ka Full form
EDVAC = Electronic Discrete Variable Automatic Computer
EBCDIC = extended binary coded decimal interchange code
E-commerce = Electronic Commerce
EDP = Electronic data processing
EDSAC = Electronic Delay storage automatic calculator
EPROM = Erasable programming ROM
EEPROM = Electronically erasable programming read only memory
E-MAIL = electronic mail
ENIAC = electronic numerical integrated and computer
EOF = End of file
EXE = executable
F से
FAT = file allocation table
FAQ = frequently asked question
FIFO = first in first out
FORTRAN = formula translation
FTP = file transfer protocol
FXP = file exchange protocol
G से
GB = Gigabit
GB = Gigabyte
GIGO = Garbage in Garbage Out
GUI = Graphical user interface
HDD = Hard disk Drive
HD-DVD = High definition DVD
HLL = High level language
HTML = Hyper text markup language
HTTP = Hyper text transfer protocol
IBM = international business Machine
ICMP = internet control message protocol
IE = Internet Explorer
IGMP = internet group management
IIS = internet information Service
IM = instant messaging
IMAP = internet message success